How MORryde Makes the Best Out of Every Situation

August 12, 2020 — by Jack Enfield

We’ve all heard that well-worn phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” We know that means just making the best you can out of a bad situation. What does this advice have to do with MORryde, the RV business, and MORryde’s aftermarket effort?

The RV industry is going gangbusters right now as more and more people choose the RV travel experience over planes, hotels, or cruises. RV sales are crazy and dealer inventories are low as units fly off the lots. But that doesn’t mean that all things are “normal” in the industry.

Industry events are being canceled left and right. The fall RV show schedule no longer exists. Distribution and dealer shows have also been called off. One by one, all across the country, RV Owners’ Club Rallies have been “officially” wiped from the schedule. I say “officially” because the formal functions have been canceled. That means the organized meals, off-site tours, and vendor seminars just aren’t taking place. That’s too bad as this is where RVers learn about their RVs and components along with tips to enhance the lifestyle.

For MORryde, Owners’ Rallies are where we get the chance to interact with owners, ask questions about how their MORryde products are performing, and talk to people about new products MORryde is bringing to market. So, what’s MORryde to do with these “lemons”?

MORryde was scheduled to attend the Grand Design Owners’ Colorado Rally in early August. Over 115 Grand Design owners were signed up for the rally, which is a great turnout for a state type of rally. Three weeks before the rally, the campground wasn’t comfortable with having an “official” function and let the wagon masters know this. However, they would be okay with the owners still showing up at the River Run RV Resort in Granby, Colorado. The wagon masters sent the word out about the cancellation and several owners opted not to attend. But, over 50 decided the gathering was a good enough reason to still travel.

Two RV owners who opted not to attend still wanted MORryde products and lived in the Denver, CO area, along the route to Granby. So in the spirit of lemonade out of lemons, Brendan Aukerman of MORryde Aftermarket Sales set out towing a utility trailer with product for the rally. He made a couple of detours along the way and delivered product. In the case of the Hickoxes, Brendan also did an installation in their driveway.


MORryde           MORryde


MORyde’s lemonade didn’t stop there. While at the rally, MORryde was still able to “unofficially” meet with owners and talk about their units and MORryde product. With the official events canceled, MORryde and another vendor, Winfield RV Products, decided to throw a pop-up ice cream social. We raided the local grocery store and bought dozens and dozens of ice cream sandwiches, fudge bars, orange dream bars, and big wheels. (Sorry Granby residents, but we put a hurt on the store’s already depleted inventory.)

We spread the word throughout the RV park that MORryde was handing out ice cream and guess what? People showed up! (*Stay tuned for more info on Winfield’s line of stabilization products for 5th wheels, travel trailers, and motor homes with hitch receivers – great products that work. Also more info on a MORryde/Winfield collaboration coming up!)

Even in the age of pandemics, MORryde goes Above.Beyond.Always.  And while it looked like we had lemons for a while, we tried our best to turn it into lemonade.


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